Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Legend is near...

Here's a very rough sketch out of the 1st Legend of Bill strip, showing our hero at work, with the bossman ever-looming. Needless to say, Bill is tired of the 9 to 5. Adventure can't be far behind!
Anyhoo, progress is near completion on LOB. Strips are in the hopper, the LOB Comicpress pages are nearly complete, the fine folks at have put out the red carpet for Bill, Frank and Gina to reside (we'll call it the "SoulGeek Inn," in 'Bill' terms), and we're about to rock n' roll. Legend of Bill will be weekly, to start, with the intention of increasing it's frequency, with endless possibilities. So, my friends, become a Bill supporter! Sign up for the LOB newsletter, and you'll receive a nifty greeting and some sketch art for fun via e-mail in return... and scroll down this very blog for lots of LOB details and extras as we near launch at the end of this month!! Oh, and I'm working on a map too, highlighting the realm of Bill! ;-)
More details to come!

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