Friday, April 4, 2008

Legend of Bill: Meet Frank

Meet Frank, the little blue dragon in Legend of Bill, and best friend to Bill! Next up: Princess Gina!


Anonymous said...

For the love of God, man! When is this starting?!!

Haven't been this excited about a new strip in a long time.

David Reddick said...

Thanks, Brian! LOB should be starting towards the end of this month ... my LOB ComicPress pages are almost totally done, and working on some promotional stuff, and of course more strips... Just getting all the ducks in a row to make sure LOB delivers faithfully every week (weekly to start)without any hiccups. LOB will launch along with my pal Kris Straub's Starslip "Extra," (yes, an extra unseen weekly Starslip Crisis!)at and at Stay tuned!

David Reddick said...

And, thanks for the kind words, Brian! Now, everyone get over to and check out Brian's AWESOME strip!!

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